The abstract by Rohit Rathore and Alikya Chipurupalli the students of Medical Doctor program at the Faculty of Medicine of the European University got accepted at an international conference organized by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), held in September 23-25 , 2020 online.
The ESCMID conference on coronavirus disease (ECCVID) covered many aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Medical Faculty student Rohit Rathore presented a study results on “Comparative analysis of virulence factors at the genomic level in SARS-CoV and COVID 19” which was supervised by the European University professors Ia Kusradze and Natia Karumidze.
The registration fee was fully funded by the European University.
The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infection-related diseases.