Within the framework of the internal quality assurance mechanisms of European University, in order to promote the development of the persons involved in the teaching process and to introduce a culture of quality assurance, the quality assurance process is being evaluated by the Quality Assurance Service. The purpose of this process is to identify needs and share best practices with colleagues.
The evaluation of the audit work is carried out by a representative of the Quality Assurance Service, program manager, specialist in the field or related field, head of the Innovative Teaching Methods Training Center.
Audit work is evaluated with academic or invited staff who are teaching at the university for the first time and / or weaknesses and aspects of improvement have been identified during the audit work.
Attendance at the auditing work process assesses the relevance of the material explained to the syllabus theme, the use of learning resources, the teaching methods used, promoting the development of student interaction and analytical thinking, and more.
Evaluation results and feedback are shared by the Quality Assurance Service individually with those academic or invited staff with whom they attended.
Upon completion of the process, a summary evaluation report will be submitted by the Quality Assurance Service to the Dean of the Faculty and the Head of the relevant program.